Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Absolutely Irresistable

I hope Reene loves stuffed animals as much as I love buying them!


Amanda Shea said...

I'm so glad to find your blog! I found it through, I think, Lee Carby's the other day. Thanks for checking in on Liam. : ) He is really enjoying stuffed animals these days and I know Reene will, too! Isn't it so hard to restrain yourself when you find one YOU love?! I usually just can't help myself... You will be such a wonderful mom. I can't wait to hear that Reene has arrived! Aren't you due the 3/27th? or is that BJ? Maybe you're the 25th... Either way, I suspect it can't get here soon enough. : ) xoxo

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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