Lilypie First Birthday tickers

the experience

We were scheduled to be induced on our due date, Monday, March 28, 2011; however, since I had not progressed very much, we were instructed to go in on Sunday at 3:30 PM to begin taking cervidil (this softens the cervix and improves the success of a pitocin induction).  We went to my parents house for a celebratory lunch, double checked our bags, and then headed to the hospital...stopping only to pick up a few good gossip magazines.  We walked into Natchez Community and were immediately lead up to our labor and delivery room and given a hospital gown.  It was real.  No turning back.  I knew all the right words to describe what it would be like to meet my daughter, but let me tell's even better.

Team Reene showed up right on time for the Monday morning administering of pitocin.  My cousin Laurie had t-shirts made for herself, Scott, Mom, and Dad with "Team Reene" embroidered on the back and the individual's soon to be name on the front left pocket..."La La," "Da Da," "Ya Ya," and "Pa Pa."  They stayed with me all day.
Yes, it hurt...until I got the epidural...but for the most part it was smooth sailing.  The doctor was in there for about 5 minutes (or two big pushes) before Reene was placed in my arms.  The whole experience was absolutely amazing.  I attribute this partly to my euphoric level of excitement, partly to the wonderful nursing staff at Community, and then last but not least, to God.  Thank you, God for allowing me this experience and for my beautiful baby girl. 


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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