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Happiest Baby on the Block

Scott and I read The Happiest Baby on the Block together.  When Reene Parker is crying, we always make sure we have covered the 5 s's!  

1.  Swaddling is the cornerstone of calming. It gives nurturing touch, stops flailing, and focuses your baby’s attention.

2.  The side and stomach positions can calm your baby by switching her calming reflex on and her falling reflex off. 

3.  Shhh triggers your baby’s calming reflex.  The wooshing that your baby heard in your uterus was as loud as a vacuum.  You must shhh loudly for it to soothe your crying baby.

We use a hair dryer at home.  I was still looking for a battery operated travel size one to keep in my purse when Scott found a hair dryer app on our phones that works wonders!

4.  Swinging...moving in rhythm with your baby's needs.

5.  Sucking calms babies by satisfying their hunger and by turning on their calming reflex.

I was also relieved to read about these next two common baby myths.  

Going to your baby every time she cries will spoil her?

NO – Rather than getting spoiled, young babies who are attended to each time they cry become secure and confident in the love of those around them! Remember, in the uterus, babies are held, jiggled and shushed 24 hours a day, so from their point of view even being cuddled 16 hours a day is a huge cutback.

Babies with loud painful sounding cries have gas?

NO – Why would gas pains go away with car rides or a vacuum cleaner? Only 2% of babies have serious stomach problems. Many babies sound like they’re in pain but like smoke alarms, they can only make one sound to attract your attention.


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